We have started inviting our own Alumni who are excelling in various fields today to talk to our children with the fond hope that they will inspire them through their experience both as a student here and as entrepreneurs now. We are confident that their mere presence in the school itself, will help our children to emulate their feat.
We have their address as ‘excerpts’ delivered on various days.
Ms. Sushmitha R – 2012 batch.
B. E., Mechatronics, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. Business Analyst, Accenture, Bangalore.
Excerpts from her speech on June 5, 2019
- Eliminate what you are bad at; you will improve in what you are good at.
- Do what you love.
- Assess your strengths and weaknesses.
- Be pro-active.
- Always have an alternate plan, if one goes wrong, you can follow the other.

Ms. Shri Vidhya V – 2012 batch
B. E. Computer Science, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam Software Developer at Juspay Technologies, Bangalore.
Excerpts from her speech on June 5, 2019
- Question everything; assume nothing, And Learn the Truth.
- Once you get into any field, you must be the Best.
- Always see the Big picture.
- Learn something NEW everyday.
- Your ‘WILL TO DO’ should be your driving force
Ms. Janani Nivedita – 2014 batch.
M. A., Educational Leadership and Management, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Excerpts from her speech on June 21, 2019
- Work towards your passion and enjoy your job.
- Search for the Truth and It will guide you.
- Respect your parents, teachers and elders; have gratitude always.
- Ask questions before you arrive at any conclusion.

Ms. M. Revathijeyasri ACA., – 2007 batch.
Chartered Accountant, Entrepreneur and Social Worker.
Excerpts from her speech on July 5, 2019
- Have a positive outlook in life, learn continuously.
- Once you set your goal, never look back, try vigorously to achieve success.
- Aim high in your life, you deserve a healthy, wealthy life.
- Wasting time is like wasting your life.
- Be creative in your life, add colour in your daily activities.
Ms. Pragadambal P MBA., – 2004 batch
Story Teller, National Digital Media Convenor, National Board of Ladies Circle India.
Excerpts from her speech on August 17, 2019
- Nurture good habits, carry your dreams
- Have an ambition for future
- Your vibe attract your tribe; cherish your friendship
- Live, don’t just merely exist; change yourself for good
- Trust. There is a way of life waiting for you,
- Even nobody is watching, don’t do bad, do only good,
- Travel in the paths of honesty, integrity, respect and ethics.

Dr. Ashok Sekar BE., MS., Ph.D., – 2005 batch.
Excerpts from his speech on November 28, 2019
- Search for your Passion, dream Big
- Care for the nature, Spend your time effectively
- Understand time use of people lead to climate change
- Doing research gives strength, involve yourself in multitasking,
- Sport brings discipline in you
Mr. Kavi Scidarth BE., M. Tech., MBA., – 2009 batch.
Entrepreneur, Kavi Techno Works, Coimbatore.
Excerpts from his speech on August 31, 2019
- Have your own vision in life and be self-driven
- Have clarity in your goal, ambition and vision for your rapid growth
- Overcome your hurdles by hard work to accomplish your vision
- Read good books like ‘The Greatness Guide, The Power of your Subconscious Mind to motivate yourself
- Success is never owned, it is rented
- Learn and develop skills across multiple domains
- Learn from your mistakes and grow
- Trust your guts. One day it will stand by you.